Architectural Photography
63 galleries
My primary focus is on capturing images of architecture in just the right light. Historic or contemporary structures can be framed in compelling ways in natural light or with a combination of natural and artificial illumination.
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60 imagesOf course, its all about the light. Each facade as well as every detail changes character with each passing minute. Seeing that change and capturing each detail in light that best renders its form is a challenge and part of what makes this work so interesting.
4 imagesProject: Augusta Health Urgent Care Center Contractor: Kjellstom and Lee Construction
7 imagesIf you are interested in English Collegiate Gothic architecture, Boston College is worth a visit. This campus has some spectacular examples, most built in the teens and twenties.
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6 imagesChristopher Newport University Warwick River Hall, Sophomore Housing Warwick River Hall is a new 457 bed dormitory with rooms arranged in suites, comfortable common rooms, and full, well equipped kitchens. Architect: Glave and Holmes Architecture, Richmond, Virginia Interior Design: Glave and Holmes Architecture
15 imagesDocumentation of construction projects in all phases of development.
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6 imagesFederal Street Office Building Middleburg, Virginia Contractor: Howard Shockey & Sons, Winchester, Virginia
49 imagesPool House and Garage Renovation Architect / Interior Designer: Glave and Holmes Architecture Contractor: Pitts and Associates Private Residence, Richmond, Virginia
45 imagesGlave and Holmes Architecture Interior design and furniture design / selection for the completely refurbished University of Virginia Rotunda.
20 galleriesI believe in libraries. Usually found at the center of a community, they offer you the world for free and encourage you to return as often as you like. Almost Heaven! 15% of all purchases (both prints and merchandise) from these galleries will be donated to the library pictured, or, to a library of your choice!
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4 imagesSo you've seen the movie about FDR, "Hyde Park on Hudson", but this picture of FDR's home doesn't look familiar? That's because the movie was filmed in England... Perhaps, as the National Park docent remarked, there was a bit too much "fiction" in the movie for the NPS to stomach letting it film here.
4 imagesArts and Crafts Style home in Richmond, Virginia designed by Island Architects of Richmond.
7 imagesA beautiful private residence in Richmond, Virginia designed by Island Architects.
6 imagesJames Madison University Chandler Courtyard Architect: Price Studios, Richmond, Virginia Landscape Architect: Higgins and Gerstenmaier, Richmond, Virginia
5 imagesMadison Hall is the culmination of a major renovation which transformed a hospital into an academic and admissions center for James Madison University. Architecture and Interior Design: Glave and Holmes Architecture, Richmond, Virginia.
7 imagesJames Madison University Central Utility Plant Expansion Architect: Price Studios, Richmond, Virginia
30 imagesJames Madison University Wilson Hall Wilson Hall is slated to be completely renovated starting in 2018.
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9 imagesKjellstrom and Lee Construction completed renovations to historic homes used by fraternities at Washington and Lee University.
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6 imagesRenovations to Summit Square Retirement Home in Waynesboro, Virginia. Contractor: Kjellstrom and Lee Construction, Staunton, Virginia
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12 imagesMoorefield High School Moorefield, West Virginia Architect: Williamson Shriver Architects, Charleston, WV Contractor: Howard Shockey & Sons, Winchester, VA
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5 imagesIn a departure from most museums you will visit, every gallery in the North Carolina Museum of Art is illuminated by natural light filtered through specially designed skylights. Though less than 1% of light is admitted, there is plenty of light to view their very nice collection of art.
19 imagesA new GA facility for Orange County, Virginia designed by Richmond architects, Price Studios.
12 imagesProject: Patrick Henry School of Arts and Science Location: Richmond, Virginia Contractor: O'Byrne Construction
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37 imagesThe Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport is nestled in Weyers Cave, Virginia. Architect: Price Studios, Richmond, Virginia
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17 imagesShamrock Farms Dairy Staunton, Virginia General Contractor: Howard Shockey & Sons
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18 imagesDesigned by Charles McKim for Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt in the late 1890's, this mansion has the distinction of being the smallest Vanderbilt mansion with a mere 54 rooms. Biltmore in North Carolina is the largest, having more bathrooms than this home has rooms. The National Park property has three main parts: The small home that served as a temporary residence during construction of the mansion; the mansion itself; and the Italian gardens. Don't miss the gardens if you visit!
9 imagesConstructed in 1955, the Virginia War Memorial honors those Virginians who have lost their lives in the service of their country. A new education wing designed by Glave and Holmes Architecture was constructed in 2010.
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13 imagesWashington and Lee University chose to construct a centrally located utility structure to house a substantial portion of the HVAC, mechanical, and electrical infrastructure required for the ongoing rehabilitation of the historic Colonnade buildings. The structure is partially below-grade and incorporates a "green roof" and pedestal paver system that ties into the adjacent plaza. A system of underground tunnels connects the utility structure with the buildings. Architect: Glave and Holmes Architecture Richmond, Virginia Landscape Architect: Siteworks Charlottesville, Virginia
15 imagesWashington Hall Rehabilitation Washington and Lee University Lexington, Virginia Architect: Glave and Holmes Architecture and Interiors Contractor: Kjellstrom and Lee Construction